Can I cancel my Vidya School Website Subscription?

Can I cancel my Vidya School Website Subscription?

"Yes, You Can!"

You are free to cancel your "VIDYA SCHOOL WEBSITE Subscription" any time. But before cancellation of subscription once think about the powerful and smart features of VIDYA SCHOOL WEBSITE. This is specially made for school website with huge and variety of information to show the visitors, also it has a great, simplest content management system to edit, maintain and update your school website as you need. 

Also, we are giving 20+ free pages for your website. Continuously we are updating VIDYA SCHOOL WEBSITE services to improve and maintain the height standard. Personally, we never recommend that you should have to cancel the subscription. If you think so then please once contact to our SUPPORT NO. and discuss your problem with our experts, we are always standing here to solve your problems at priority basis.

The process to Cancellation of Subscription

STEP - 1

        Login into your Admin Panel with user id and Password

        For Admin Panel click here -


STEP - 2

        After login, your dashboard is open at your screen. Now click on "Account" Button


STEP - 3

        Now You are in the Account section. Go to "Cancel my Subscription" section.

        (a) Check the box - "Yes! I agree to cancel my subscription"

        (b) Click on the red button "Cancel my Subscription".


STEP - 4

        A confirmation window will open, if you want to cancel the VIDYA SCHOOL WEBSITE Subscription then click "OK".


STEP - 5

        Now you will get a successful window displaying "Cancellation of Subscription is Successful"

        A feedback for cancellation reason appears. Fill out the reason and click on "Submit" button.


After this, you will get an Email response in your mailbox for "Cancellation of Subscription" Please check your mail for confirmation.

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