Create New SMS

Create New SMS

In VIDYA the School Management Software NEW SMS option is used to create a new message for sending to parents and teachers.

Follow the Below Steps to create a new message.         

  • First Click on SMS Module.  
  • Open the New SMS option.
The following window will open.

  •  Follow to Below Steps to Create a New SMS.
    •  First Click on Get Contact Button to Select Contact (Teacher’s & Staff).
  1.  Select All Group (If you want to send message to everyone.)
  2. Select Groups (Staff/ Teacher/ Management) to send message to a particular group members.
  3. Click on Load record Button.
  4. Select the record by using Ctrl + Mouse Click.
  5.  Click on Ok Button.
  6. Your contact will be added successfully.
  1. Then Click on Get Student Button to Select Students.
  1. Choose Reg no. & Name to send SMS to a particular Student.
  2.   Choose Class wise.
  3. Select Shift, Class, Stream (for upper classes), and Section (If allotted).
  4.   Click on Search Button.
  5. Select mailing or Permanent Number.
  6. Select the Student record.
  7. Click on Ok Button. Your Student record will be added successfully.
  • Select TC Not Submit Button to Select those student record who has didn’t submitted their TC at time of Admission. (if required).


  1. Choose Reg no. & Name to send SMS to a particular Student.        
  2.  Choose Class wise.
  3.  Select Shift, Class, Stream (for upper classes), and Section (If allotted).
  4.  Click on Search Button.
  5. Select mailing or Permanent Number.
  6. Select the Student record.
  7.  Click on Ok Button.
  8.   Your Student record will be added successfully.
  1.  Select Birth Not Submit Button to Select those student record who has didn’t submitted their TC at time of Admission. (if required)
  1.  Choose Reg no. & Name to send SMS to a particular Student.
  2. Choose Class wise.
  3. Select Shift, Class, Stream (for upper classes), and Section (If allotted).
  4.   Click on Search Button.
  5. Select Mailing or Permanent Number.
  6.  Select the Student record
  7. Click on Ok Button.
  8.  Your Student record will be added successfully.

  1. Select the SMS Template.
  1.  Fill the records in variable.
  1.  Check the Message Character and SMS Count.
    1.  English Message:- 170 Character = 1 SMS Credit
    2. Hindi Message :- 70 Character = 1 SMS Credit
  2. Click on Save Button to Save the Message.