Fee Card Structure Setting

Fee Card Structure Setting

In VIDYA the School Management Software, Fee Card Setting option is used adjust the Fee card.

Follow the Below Steps to Add or update Fee Card.

  1. First Click on Admin Module.      
  1. Select the  Fee Card Setting option.
  1. The following window will open. 
  1. Here you can see two section
    1.  Add Column
    1.  Using this section you can Create, Edit & Delete Columns of Fee card.
    2. Step: - 1.  Fill The Name of Column.
    3.  Step: - 2. Click on ADD Button.
  1.  Step: - 3. Click on Delete Button to Delete the Fee Card Column.
  1. Add Rows
    1. Using this section you can Create, Edit & Delete Rows of Fee card.
    2. Step: - 1.  Fill The Name of Column.
    3. Step: - 2. Click on ADD Button.
    1.  Step: - 3. Click on Delete Button to Delete the Fee Card Rows.
  1. You can Type the Fee card Back Side Note at Message Section.·         
    1. Type the Fee card Note here.
  2. You can see the Preview of fee card at Right of The Fee Card Section.
  1. Click on Save Button to Save the Fee Card.
  2. Print the fee Card from Fee Module.

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