Manage Grade Subject details in Exam (CBSE)

Manage Grade Subject details in Exam (CBSE)

Grade Subject option is used to process Class wise Grade Subject Entry

Add New Grade Subject

Follow the below-mentioned steps to process Grade Subject Entry -  

  • Click on Exam CBSE  Module.
  • Select Grade Subject option.                                                                                                                                 
  • Select Shift, class, stream.
  • If you want to create a group for grade subject click on Add Group link.
  • Fill the Grade subject (that is listed as exam type).
  • Click on save button.

  1. As you click on Add Group link Follow window will open.
  2. Fill the Group name.
  3. Click on the Save button.

Edit Grade Subject List

Follow the below-mentioned steps to  process modify Grade Subject  -  

  • Click on  Exam CBSE  Module.
  • Select  Grade Subject  option.                                                                                                                               
  1. If you want to edit grade group click on Add group link.
  2. If you want to edit Grade subject (Exam type) Select the Exam type and Click on Edit button.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to  process modify Grade Group  -  
  1. As you click on Add group  linkfollowing window will open.
  2. Select the group whom you want to edit and click on Edit button.

  1. As you click on Edit button following popup open.
  2. If you want to edit Click on Yes button.

  1. Make the changes and Click on Update button.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to  process modify Grade subject  -  
  1.  As you Click on Edit button following popup will open.
  2. Following Popup winow open.
  3. If you want to change click on Yes button

  1. Make the Changes and click on Update button.

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