Manage Supplier details

Manage Supplier details

In VIDYA the School Management Software Supplier option is used add, modify and Delete Supplier record in Inventory module.

Follow the Below Steps to Add, Edit and Delete Supplier record. 

Add New Supplier details

  •  First Click the Inventory module.   
  •   Select the Supplier  option.                                                                                                                                       
  • The following window will open.
  • To Add Supplier Record.
    • Fill the Supplier name, Mobile No, Address. 
    • Click the   Add button.
    • Click on Add Button. Your Supplier record will be added successfully. 
    • Click on Edit/ Delete to Edit/Delete Record.    

    1. To Add supplier record.
      1.   Fill the Name of Supplier.
      2. Fill the Mobile Number of Supplier.
      3. Fill the Address of Supplier.
      4.  Click on Add Button. Your Supplier record will be added successfully. 
    1.    To Edit Supplier record.
    1. Click on Edit button.   
    1. Click on yes Button.
    2. Fill the Name of supplier.
    3. Fill the Mobile Number of Supplier.
    4. Fill the Address of Supplier.
    5.  Click on Update Button. Your Supplier record will be updated successfully. 

    1.  To Delete supplier record.
    1. Click on Delete.   
    1. Click on yes Button.
    2. supplier record will be delete successfully.   
    3.   Click on Print button to print Supplier list .     
  1. As you click on print button following window will open.
  2. Select the checkbox of the header that you want to print and print the supplier list.

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