Manage Vehicle Details

Manage Vehicle Details

Vehicle option is used to add/delete and edit transport vehicle details.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to add vehicle details -

  • Click on Transport module.
  • Click on Vehicle option.                                                                                                                                                       
  • Following window opens.
  • Fill the following details of vehicle in their respective fields -
  • Vehicle Name
  • Vehicle No.
  • Seat
  • Reg. No
  • Insurance No
  • Validity From - Validity To
  • Fitness No
  • Validity From  - Validity To
  1. Click on  Save  button.

  • Click on  OK  button.                                                                                                                                                          

  • The vehicle you added will be listed as follows.

Follow the below mentioned steps to print vehicle list -

  • If you want to print the vehicle list then click on Print button.
  • Following window opens.                                                                       

  • Click on Print Preview button to view the report.
  • Following window opens.

  • Click on print icon to print the report.

Follow the below mentioned steps to edit vehicle details -

  • Select the vehicle whose detail you want to edit.
  • Click on Edit button.
  • Click on  Yes  button.                                                                                                                                                        

  • Make the changes
  • Click on  Update  button.

  • Click on  OK  button.                                                                                                                                                   

Follow the below mentioned steps to delete vehicle details -

  • Select the vehicle whose detail you want to delete.
  • Click on Delete button.
  • Following message will be displayed.   
  • Click on  Yes  button.