Manage Vehicle Expenditures

Manage Vehicle Expenditure

Veh. Expenditure  option is used to save and print vehicle expenditure month wise.  (As- fuel, maintenance etc).

Note- Before using this option please make sure that you have added vehicles from Vehicle option of Transport Module.

Follow the below mentioned steps to Add Expanse Heads -

  • Click on Transport  module.
  • Click on Veh. Expenditure option.                                                                                                                       
  1. Following window opens.
  2. Click on  Add Exp. Head   button.

  • Following window opens.

  • Write heads name in  Heads Name  field.
  • Select  Expanse  or  Information .
  • Click on  Save  button.                                                                                                                            
  • Following message will be displayed.   
  • Click on  OK  button.                                                                                                                                                                     
  • The heads you added will be shown as follows.                                                                                                              

Follow the below mentioned steps to print the list of heads -

  • Click on Add Exp. Head button.
  • Click on  Print  button to print the list.                                                                                                 

Follow the below mentioned steps to edit head name -

  • Click on Add Exp. Head button.
  • Select the head whose name you want to edit.
  • Click on  Edit  button.

  • Following message will be displayed. 
  • Click on  Yes  button.                                                                                                                                                              
  • Change the head name.
  • Click on  Update  button.

  • Click on  OK   button.

Follow the below mentioned steps to delete head name -

  • Click on Add Exp. Head button.
  • Select the head which name you want to delete.
  • Click on  Delete  button.

  • Click on  Yes  button.

Follow the below mentioned steps to save / print vehicle expenditure -

  • Cut the recent window & reopen Veh. Expenditure option from Transport module. Exp Heads will show for all vehicles as follows.
  • Fill the amount in the column.
  • Click on  Save  button.

  • Following message will be displayed.                                                                                                         
  • If you want to  print vehicle expenditure report then click on Print  button.
  • Click on  Print  button to print the report.
  • Click on  Export  button to export report in pdf, excel, etc formats.

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