VIDYA School Management Software Updates Version 2.24.1

VIDYA School Management Software Updates Version 2.24.1

25-June-2024 Updates

New Features


  1. A Notification is showing at Dashboard In which user can see the list of Students whose Birthday is today.

U-Dise & P.E. No

  1. Setting -> School Details 
    1. This Updates Allows to user to store their School U-Dise Code in School Details Section. So that it can visible on all the reports generated by VIDYA School Software.
  2. Student -> New Entry 
    1. The Update comes with some Updation (P.E.No) in Student New Entry Form. So that user can store Students P.E.No in VIDYA School Software and it can be visible to Student Detail Report and Their Transfer Certificates.

Student Module

  1. Student → ID Card
    1. New Id card Format is Added in Format-3 & Format-4.

Fee  Module

  1. Dues Report →
    1. In Dues Notice Hindi a new Dues Report Format is added. So that user can manually type the matter of notice in Hindi for their students.
  2. Dues Report →
    1. A New Dues report Format is added to only see the Dues Report of Sibling Students.
  3. Day Book →
    1. Pay Mode Column is added in Day Book Report So that user can see the report of mode of Payment with Transaction Amount.

Certificate Module

  1. Sport → 
    1. Two Sport Certificate Format is added.
  2. Merit → 
    1. Three Merit Certificate Format is added.
  3. DOB → 
    1. One More DOB Certificate Format is added (Format-2).

Admin Module

  1. User Activation → 
    1. New Restriction is added for other user So that they cannot see the report of Fee Module.

Bug Fixings

Student Module

  1. Report → Detail
    1. Resolves the sorting of BPL or Non BPL Students records in Detail Report.
  2. Modify → 
    1. Resolves the repetition of (S.R. No & Reg. No.) In Find by Dropdown in Modify Section.

Fee Module

  1. New Entry → 
    1. Bold the Font Colour of Fee Months in Fee receipts.
    2. Disable the Button of Send Online Payment Request.

Attendance Module

  1. SMS → 
    1. Resolves the Issues in SMS Section in Attendance Module.
  2. Reports → 
    1. Enable the Date Restriction to that user can’t generate the report of upcoming Months.

Certificate Module

  1. Transfer Certificate → 
    1. If the transfer Certificate is generated once it can’t be generate again in any Format (TC-Hindi/ TC-English/ TC-UP/ TC-MP).
  2. Transfer Certificate → 
    1. Add the Record of Current session in Transfer Certificates.
  3. TC-Hindi → 
    1. Resolves the Issue in Date wise Sorting in Modify Section.

Spelling Mistake Resolve

  1. Student → New Entry 
    1. Update the label “Same as Temporary Address” to “Same as Mailing Address” in Student new entry Form.
  2. Student → Report
    1. Update the Name of Registration Date wise report to Admission Date wise Report.
  3. Student → Registration → New Entry
    1. Update the label “Same as Temporary Address” to “Same as Mailing Address” & “Temporary Address” to “Mailing Address” in Student new Registration Form.
  4. Fee → Fee Collection Report
    1. Summary & Detailed Spelling is updated in the Fee Collection Report.
  5. Attendance → Holiday
    1. Holiday Spelling is updated in School Holiday Section.
  6. Admin Module→ User Activation
    1. Spelling of User Authority is updated in the User Account Section.
  7. Setting→ Change Session
    1. Spelling of Change for me only Corrected in Change session Option.
    2. Name of Change Session is updated.
  8. New Email Id ( of Support Department is added in VIDYA School Software.

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