VIDYA School Management Software Updates Version 2.24.3

VIDYA School Management Software Updates Version 2.24.3

Bug Fixing

  1. Fee -> report
  1. In collect fee report user can choose the pay mode report to see the report of total collection with payment mode wise.

  1. Radio button is added on collect fee and collect fee head report to choose the report formats.
  2.  Payment mode column is added on day book report and user can sort the day book report via payment mode.
  3.   Other fee, prev balance, discount amount and current balance column is added on collect fee head report.
  4.     Previous balance column is added on collect fee report (summary & detail).
  5.  If student dues are cleared then his record will be highlighted with blue color in print report section in student dues report.
  1.   Student registration number and their fee receipt number skipping problem is resolved in this update.


New Features

  1. Admin user have rights to hide the access of school details and software setting sections for other users.
  2. User can’t select the other month’s while he editing the fee receipt.
  3. User can turn off the bell ringing for whole day at just one click.
  4. User can sort the student record via their roll no is student detail report.
  5. User can select the student record by dragging the mouse in section setting section to allot & clear Student’s section.
  6. Now in Tc Hindi student permanent address will be shown at place mailing address.
  7. Now User Can generate the Fee Head Report of Between Months.

New Reports

  1. A new discount report is added on fee module. In which user can see the report of how much discount he had given to their students.
  2. A new fee card format is added in VIDYA School Management Software in black, red, blue, brown and green color.
  3. A new fee receipt (A4-six) format is added in VIDYA School Management Software. So, user can print six fee receipt on a A4 size paper.
  4. A new fee register report is added on Fee installment.
  5. S/o and d/o is added on student dues notice Hindi.
  6. A new dues report for sibling student is added on this update. Using this Report user can see the dues record of only sibling students. 

Spelling Mistake Resolve

  1. Spelling mistake is solved in Teacher Experience Certificate.
  2. Spelling of Transport fee collection report is corrected on this update.
  3. Father name is updated on Format - 2 of DOB certificate.\
  4. Label of SR no will be shown as same at every place in VIDYA School Management software
  5. School slogan is Added on A5 fee receipt.
  6. Spelling of cast is changed to category on tc Hindi.

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