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VIDYA School Management Software Updates Version 2.24.3
Bug Fixing Fee -> report In collect fee report user can choose the pay mode report to see the report of total collection with payment mode wise. Radio button is added on collect fee and collect fee head report to choose the report formats. Payment ...
What is VIDYA School Management Software
Watch Video Product Highlights:- VIDYA-The School Management is a product of VIDYAOne. VIDYA-The School Management is a window based School Management Software. VIDYA is designed to run on any windows operating system from windows 7 or latest. VIDYA ...
Manage Enquiry Type
The enquiry Type option is used to save new enquiry type (enquiry for admissions, vacancies, results, etc). Follow the below-mentioned steps to add Enquiry Type:- Click on Enquiry Module. Click on Enquiry Type option. . Write the Enquiry ...
Why it is Free Forever?
VIDYA SCHOOL WEBSITE (Website + Admin + Pages) is free to use. It's FREE FOREVER VIDYA SCHOOL WEBSITE is a medium to promote your School and our Company VIDYAOne IT Solution Pvt. Ltd. is on a mission to provide a tool to the school to promote ...
How to fill keywords in SEO App?
Follow these simple steps to enable your website ready for Search Engines- STEP - 1 Click on "SEO" App. STEP - 2 Now click on "Edit" button to open panel in editing mode. STEP - 3 Fill all the details as this example Title - (Enter your School Name ...